
mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife asked

SmartSolar load output not working

I have a Smart Solar MPPT 75/15 controller. I've been using it all summer and it's been great. Now however, I've noticed that I'm not getting an output on the 'load terminals'.

I have set the load to be 'always on' in the app, but I'm just not getting anything out of it. And even the app both iOS and in MacOS show the load output to be 'off' even though I've turned it on.

A quick test with a multimeter confirms it's off as in there is no voltage.

Is there anything I should check, possibly an internal fuse, or should it be returned?

MPPT Controllers
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colt avatar image colt commented ·

I just purchased a new 75/15 and I am having the same problem. No jumper, reset, uninstalled and reinstalled. I’m out of ideas on this thing. Any help?

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mrhapi avatar image mrhapi commented ·

Smart Solar MPPT 75/15 controller:

Same problem the Load always on sometimes works and sometimes does not. This is my second unit that does this.

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8 Answers
si-liph04 avatar image
si-liph04 answered ·

I had the same issue , i went into settings , reset defaults and the output worked again.

i have no idea why

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mikedefieslife avatar image mikedefieslife commented ·

That worked. cheers. I guess the settings must get messed up somehow in the backend of the software.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ mikedefieslife commented ·

It can also be related to the BatteryLife configuration jumper still being on the VE.Direct connector; its often the case for unexplained behaviour: had you already removed that?

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mrhapi avatar image mrhapi commented ·
I tried this to no avail. But thanks
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Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

Is the device connected to anything at all?

I had one case recently with a 100/20 connected to a DC/ DC step down converter and the load output would switch off. When I disconnected the DC/DC converter it worked again. The DC/DC circuit was ok when tested with LAB PSU, but my suspicion is that it demands some high inrush current that activated the short cicuit protection on the MPPT load output.

So, check if you have a similar situation.

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mrhapi avatar image mrhapi commented ·
Thanks for the solution but doesn't fix mine.
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mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife answered ·

It actually started up last night at about 4am, by the time I woke up again the morning it was off and would not turn on. There aren't any large inrush currents. I only have a 10w led lamp connected.

Over the summer I was able to have my freezer (4a) connected and it worked well. But when I moved the freezer over to ac for the winter, i turned the load output off. Now it just won't respond to calls from the iOS or macOS app to turn on.

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Elimac avatar image
Elimac answered ·

But did you try removing the 10W lamp and measure with multimeter while open, with no loads?

Please test and tell us.

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mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife answered ·

Yes. I've had a multimeter on the load output with nothing else connected. The voltage is negligible i.e in the millivolts range.

There is either a software or a hardware problem, as no matter what I select in the settings, the status always shows the load state as being off.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

HI all; as long as the jumper is on the VE.Direct connector (jumper = the small black thing on two of the four pins on the slightly hidden small white connector), the device will use the Conventional Algorithm 1 or 2. The position of the jumper determines which of the two is used.

So, with the jumper there, the setting in VictronConnect is ignored. Please double check if you have the jumper still there; and remove it when setting it up with VictronConnect.

We'll soon add a little notification/warning about this into VictronConnect.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

image showing the jumper

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1544479440678.png (186.9 KiB)
mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife answered ·

Thanks for replying to this. A simple reset worked, but I gather you are trying to get to the source of the problem. I would have to double check the position of the jumper. Last time I saw it, it seemed more like it was on the middle two pins, but I could very much be mistken. My placement of the controller means the bottom of the isn't very accessible.

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·

Hey Mike; note that both positions are probably not what you want; you'd want it removed; so that you can set it in VictronConnect instead.

Yes, jumpers & hard to reach places are not a good combination..

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mikedefieslife avatar image
mikedefieslife answered ·
Ok so task for tomorrow, remove the jumper and tape it to the side of the controller so not to lose it. Actually I will have two to remove as I just bought a 100/20 too.
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