Where i have to put the cable lug? Normaly i would remove the frist nut and place it between PCB and the washer, then secured bei snap ring and nut. But why are there 2 nuts? I think its not a good idea to have a nut between pcb and cable lug…
Don’t worry about contact.
The nuts used are wide type, so the contact area around the nut (highlighted below) is more than 35mm^2, the necessary for the maximum current of 100A.
M8 means 8mm diameter, that multiplied with PI, gives us 25mm circumference. The section is 2mm wide, meaning a surface of 50mm^2 of contact.
My batteries are switched off during installation.
Is the following procedure correct?
Remove the first nut, snap ring and washer. Put on cable lug, put on washer and snap ring, hold lower nut with wrench, tighten upper nut with 14 NM and copy the torque with the wrench on the second nut so that it does not affect the PCB.