Virtual powerplant

Are there any plans that Victron makes it possible to implement a virtual powerplant?

Many companies here in the Netherlands are planning or already have implement virtual powerplants, but only their own batteries are compatible.

Because Victron is quite flexible, is Victron considering making interfaces to join these virtual powerplants?


I’m also interested in this

Do see zonneplan is using a modbus 4g dongle to control the Solis S6 Series hybrid inverter they use.
Should be quite simple to implement zonneplan powerplay for victron systems!

Is controlling an battery by external modbus modems a industry standard or is this brand specific?
If this is a standard, did Victron implement it and is this external control in ESS?

Zonneplan Frank energy and NextEnergy do have VPP here in the Netherlands, but all three don’t support Victron :frowning:
They all build special interfaces to make their batteries smart.
And the only smart system on the market (Victron) isn’t supported.

Don’t understand why, VPP could even be supported in VRM!
Why isn’t Victron interested to implement this?