Victron Energy Interface MK3 help needed

I am a new user, and I do not know what kind of device to use with this MK3-USB-C

I have tried my old MAC and the IOS is outdated

My iPhone does not have a C port

I do not have an Android device

Can someone give me a direct answer?

Support said go to a dealer for questions, I bought my stuff off Amazon, there is no dealer to interact with on Amazon

As far as I know Amazon doesn’t sell Victron stuff but there are other sellers on the Amazon marketplace.

You need a newer Mac system to use VictronConnect or a Windows PC/Laptop to use VE.config.

Victron does not sell to Amazon nor directly to the end-user; your Victron dealer for the unit can be found by going to your Amazon order details page for the order that unit was purchased on and finding the “sold by” line; you can then click that company name and you should see their contact information!

Have you tried going to the VRM page, Device List, Remote VEConfigure? This way you can download your set up, open the file, make changes then “Upload” it back to the system with out using the MK3… Pull up YouTube as I have seen videos on how to use it this way.
VRM: Remote VEConfigure [Victron Energy]

PS not sure this works on iPhone last time I done it saved the download in Apple file and it seemed to change the file some how and then Victron wouldn’t take the saved config it kept saying it was different so I would recommend to the OP either try to Bootcamp the Mac book or get a windows device and save it to that. Unless someone with iPhone has done this recently?

Use the VRM page from the computer, not the phone. This way you can save the file and recall it easier, I did it the other day and worked well.

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Good to know cheers

Ok thanks a bunch i will order a window laptop so i can program for lithium charging, i am charging by watching voltage as i reply stressful job lol.
Grade 6 in french and i read 2-3 line and i don’t remember the first line.
i will come back to to this post wen i need guidance next.
So a not expensive slow speed window 10 or 11 laptop ,Bluetooth compatible should be all i need for a wild untill i renew my apple os system not ios ipad.
Tanks for all reply i will look them over slowly so I can catch more about victron cool stuff.

Saw in Q&A post below mine get cheap Android tablet ,it on the way .:+1: for now until i find out for shure what apple laptop to get that will work wen my ipad get to old.
Life is good.