Configure multiplus battery charger on easysolar II gx

hello I’m French and I have a solar installation off grid since 15 years. last year I changed my old inverter/charger and purchased a easysolar II gx 24/3000 and I would like to set up the battery charger when I use it with the generator. I need to set up more specifically the charging voltage values. this is not possible with victron connect. so, I have downloaded VEconfig and purchased the VE direct usb cable to allow my macbook(via the windows emulator named crossover) to communicate by USB but VE config isn’t finding any com ports. I wonder it’s possible with this cable and with crossover and MacBook? Any help? Thanks

Victron connect Should work with a mk3 connected to a mac. You can configure most things, just not assistants.
Otherwise, you can create a config on windows veconfigure and then remotely upload it via VRM.

thank you for your answer nickdb. with victron connect I don’t change the charging voltage values of the multiplus. I understand that is possible only with VE config by pluging into the VE bus. but I wonder if it is possible with a cable interface VE direct-usb or if it is possible only with a MK3 usb interface cable? otherwise I will try the solution to create a config off line.

I tried the offline method with the VRM console and it worked well. so here’s what I did for people who would be in the same situation as me:

  3. download the current . rvsc file
  4. Run VE CONFIG on computer
  5. in menu/ port selection choose fake Target from file
  6. Load file, modify and simply close the app to save
  7. Return to VRM and choose upload file