v3.50~9 Multiplus Compact and missing temp sensor value

Any idea why the connected temp sensor doesn’t show battery temperature with gui-v2?

Cerbo + MultiPlus Compact 24/1600/40-16 with sensor that it came with.

Where is the temp sensor connected? To the compact?

Do you see that temperature in the corresponding device list entry? Screenshot just to make sure there is no misunderstanding?

It’s not on device list, but it’s the cable lug with NTC resistor and heat shrink tube one, I’m not expecting it to appear in device list. Should it?

It’s connected to the inverter.

If you to into that Multi Compact entry - also not there?

Ha, there it is.

Ok… then there is a bug somewhere.

(I first wanted to make sure that that temperature is available in Venus OS at all).


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