Sprinter (VS30/W910) Diesel tank level

I’ve got a question on how to read out the Diesel tank of my 2021 Mercedes Sprinter (VS30/W910/W907).

Is there a easy way of hook up an existing sensor?

Or using a Mopeka or other Bluetooth sensor?

There is maybe also a chance to get data from my HomeAssistant into the Victron system (over Modbus eventually). That would even benefit other applications of the solution.

You can use a Mopeka Pro Universal for diesel and the Cerbo will work with this. This is probably the easiest.

Connecting dual gauges to one sender can be difficult depending on what type of signal the sender uses, you need to find this out first.

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I just heard on from a friend, that in the Sprinter there is a Module installed PSM (Parametrierbares Sondermodul, option ED5).
It seems as they can program it to output the tanklevel as a PWM signal. Checking that now with my garage.

Nevertheless, I still would know if we could feed data from external source into the Victron ecosystem by Modbus

I am going to check that. Even i would like to avoid additional sensors.

I’m using the Mopeka Universal Pro, attached to the steel tank in my RV camper (toy hauler) to read the gasoline level. It does communicate with my Cerbo GX, but I’m getting odd readings shown by the Cerbo GX. The Mopeka app appears to show the correct readings.

Thread here: Mopeka Universal Values Shown in Cerbo GX Are Off

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