Hello, I wanted to graph out temperature of MPPT. When I subscribe to MQTT on cerbo, though every message suffixed with /Dc/0/Temperature contains value {"value": null}
. Is there built in temp sensor in this tracker?
Yes, there is, but if the driver that handles the communications with the SS is not populating that information in dbus, you wont get it through MQTT.
Thanks for answer. Is there a solution to this? Is the driver to be found somewhere? Could I maybe request the feature for firmware or prepare pull request?
My device is not populating either that value and I’ve made a little script to read it periodically through CAN and then store it on dbus.
The value you are looking for is on 0xEDDB Victron register.
I have written a temperature sensor integration for that. It will populate a temperature sensor for the smartsolar. It can also control the internal relay based on temperature settings.
Awesome job. Thank you very much! How do you guys figure out these registers/methods? Is there a documentation I havent found or are you insiders having access to victron internals or you just good hackers?
For example, next metrics I would be interested in would be “thermal efficiency”. My assumption is there should be current and voltage sensor on PV in and on battery out. From that I would calculate roghly how much heat do I produce.
You will find it here for example:
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