Is EasySolar 2 GX temperature sensing broadcasted in VE.Smart network

I’ve read all documentation and can’t get a straight answer on the following.

I’d like to be sure the MPPT stops charging when temperature is below 0°c. Also I would like to calibrate the temperature sensor that came with my Easysolar 2 GX, because I think it’s of a few degrees. I’ve added the VRM data clearly showing a charging rate of 6A while temperature reading is -1°C. Although I’m certain the temperature was not that low. Stop charging setting is set on 0°.

From what I’ve read, it’s not possible to do this via Venus OS software, because the is no Temperature Sensor option showing op under I/O > Analog menu (with Superuser enabled).

So I would like to know,

  • is temperature is broadcasted in VE.Smart network? So I know MPPT stops charging when needed.
  • Or is this done via Must I enable DVCC for this?
  • does adding a temperature sensor for the SmartShunt give me calibration options? Will it have any added value for that matter?
  • Can I add temperature sensors to the AUX analog port of the EasySolar and will they show up under I/O menu? I would like to see room temperature for instance.

Kind regards

In under smart networking it is display what information is shared. Battery temperature (from Easysolar sensor) is NOT one of them.

So all questions above are answered.

Decided to buy Smart Battery Sensor for monitoring lithium batteries.

I guess the AUX input are for internal use with the multiplus only.

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