Quattro Stuck in Passthrough Mode Not allowing Generator to Charge Batteries

I have an off grid system with a Quattro 24/5000/120-2x100 120V, connected to a Cerbo GX. The system uses 19 220W solar panels to charge 32 EVE Lifepo4 280Ah prismatic cells (28.6KWatt hours of storage). That entire system relies upon Victron equipment (5000 W Quattro Inverter, Victron Cerbo GX, Victron Smart Shunt & touch display, and 2 150/70 Victron Solar Charge Controllers).

The system is also connected to a generator (11Kw) for times when there is insufficient solar to power everything and keep the batteries charged sufficiently to make it through the night.

The system utilizes an Electrodacus BMS (SBMS0), which toggles the Victron Quattro’s charger on and off as appropriate and also toggles the two Victron MPPT 150/70 – tr VE.Can SmartSolar charge controllers on and off as appropriate. This is accomplished utilizing an “Assistant” in the VE Configure file called “Two-signal BMS support.”

Although the system functioned flawlessly for over a year, a few months ago the Victron Quattro stopped charging the batteries with power provided by the generator. The batteries are still charging when there is sufficient solar and the BMS is still toggling the MPPT solar charge controllers on and off as appropriate. However, the system will only utilize the power being provided by the generator to carry the existing power demand/loads and will not charge the batteries. I am stuck using the generator aa lot so that it carries the loads and allows the MPPT solar charge controllers to recharge the batteries.

When I go to my Victron Dashboard online (Or when I look at the Victron touch display) they both indicate the system is in “Passthrough.” I have tried many changes to the configuration of the Quattro and have had no luck whatsoever. I have followed the suggestions in the list that comes up when you click on the “Passthrough” icon on the Victron Dashboard online, with no success. I have tried a different generator. I have tested the SBMS0 state transitions and it appears to be functioning correctly (as also indicated by the fact that it is turning the MPPT solar charge controllers on and off as it should based upon battery charge levels).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Dustin.
Passthrough is typically an ESS state, which is not designed for offgrid. Nor recommended. If you must persist with it, look there to the settings, or even firmware upgrades.

I will do my own research on the topic so as to not seem lazy, but I honestly have no idea how to turn off ESS or even find out if I am using it currently. I have been struggling through countless settings in the Quattro and I am starting to get the impressions that ESS may be a function that somehow (probably accidentally) was enabled in the Cerbo/GX device. Which device contains settings for ESS? If it is the inverter/charger, do you happen to know which tab it is under? I cannot seem to find it. If it is contained within some other device, would you be willing to tell me which one and how to access such settings? (Meanwhile, I will start my own research here: 1. ESS introduction & features)

I have navigated through the settings in my Cerbo and selected “Settings” and then “ESS”, but there is no way to make any changes under that tab. All it says there is “No ESS Assistant found.” Does this mean ESS is not my issue, or does this mean that I need to somhow obtain and “ESS Assistant” in order to tell ESS to leave me alone, I am off-grid with a generator and I want the generator to charge the batteries anytime it is running?

Ess is programmed into the inverter itself using an mk3 adaptor or over the vrm.
It is an assistant can be deleted.

It is also possible that theiugh two signal bms support the bms is sending a do not charge signal.