(Thorsten Kemper)
24 December 2024 15:05
Hello everyone,
I updated to version 3.52 to try out the new UI.
But now no grid data is displayed in the new UI.
I have an SMA system with an SHM2 as an energy meter.
The Victron Multiplus II 5000 GX serves as an ESS system with a 15KWH battery.
The SHM2 is read out using the Victron Faker script (GitHub - mitchese/shm-et340: Sunny Home Manager emulator in a Victron ESS System (replaces ET340) ) .
This works perfectly in the online portal and in the old UI. Only the new one doesn’t show grid data.
What else could be wrong? Can the new UI not show this?
P.S. I have already reinstalled the script and restarted.
What SMA do you have? Victron is working on SMA integration in Beta right now.
(Thorsten Kemper)
29 December 2024 17:09
Thorsten Kemper:
SHM2 as an energy meter.
I have a Sunny Home Manager 2.0 as a grid meter.
(Thorsten Kemper)
16 January 2025 09:52
So far, it hasn’t been fixed in any beta. Is it being looked into or is it simply not supported?
16 January 2025 09:59
There have been a lot of changes which affected most add ons, the maintainer of your third party add-on will need to adapt his code to support the new version.
Add ons are unsupported so unlikely to see a resolution driven here.