After updating to 3.52 , me GUI (classic and new) shows up as normal, I see DC-Load (Has DC) I have only AC in and OUT. MPPT as normal. All okay.
Then I open VRM, I get no more DC-Load, I have no more info on the mttp Status (Bulk, Abs…, Float, off), I get a critical load window(I do not need this, as the system does not have it and in GUI not show up),
I get a Total consumption, which shows as number of the DC in the battery (example - 1.234W), but there is no grafik for this, and it shows only positive W.
This number is not the same as what goes to the DC-Load, is lower, I don’t what is this.
I reload back to 3.51, but VRM shows up the same . No change.
I have a simple question: I would like to get my VRM view back as it was in the past years and match it with the GUI.
How to do ?
This sounds awfully like a browser/app issue at your end. Try clearing cache/local history and reattempt.
Don’t get too excited if you see that ‘Realtime’ thing wiggling - I’ve seen that before on yesterday’s figures…
looks like I have the same problem since the VRM Update was released.
The VRM overview of my system looks aweful but the local GUI page looks ok.
Didn’t change anything in my system.
I wonder if this happen when you don’t use an Victron Inverter and the VRMis now expecting that there is an Victron inverter like a Multiplus by default.
Would be nice if someone could drop some advice how to fix this.
All my load coming from batteries (1.380KwH). Parallel over JK PB bms.
Battery get energy from Solar (25KwP).
No load from Grid as normal, only if SOC is below 15%, then until 30% Grid off.