Need More Programmable Relays

I’m using the two relays on my Cerbo GX to control the warming pads on my 48v 16s LiFePO4 battery. These work great. I need at least one more relay to control an external fan based on a separate temperature sensor that isn’t associated with the battery.

According to this post, the relays in the Quattro cannot operate on a temperature range:

I could run the external fan whenever the Quattro’s fan is on. But that doesn’t quite satisfy my need. The Quattro, battery and all other Victron components (2xMPPT 150/35, Lynx shunt/distributor, Orion Tr 48-12 and Orion XS) are in the same compartment in my RV. The compartment is about 24 cubic feet, so somewhat small. It can heat up just from running the MPPT. I would like to turn on the external fan should the temperature in the compartment reach a certain level.

What other solutions are there?

It would be nice if Victron created a secondary relay device, i.e. a bank of relays, that can be controlled by the Cerbo GX. Or, allow the Quattro to control a relay based on a temperature range.

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Maybe this old topic is interesting for you.

For the rest I hope that one day Victron might come up with an external relay module, just like they more or less did with the GX Tank 140. More relays means than you can control more in your boat, or RV, with an additional GX Touch display, like turning on/off lights, pumps, etc. And in your case, also the option to add the relay module to certain (extra) If-Then rules.

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