MultiPlus-II-8000 - no leds after upgrade

MultiPlus-II-8000 - no leds after upgrade


I have a tree phase setup. After a firmware update the “Inverter on” led is dark on one of the units. The system works as normally and delivers power on all three phases. The led is working if I connect with the USB interface and use the “flash light” function.

The FW update was done through vrm portal. After this I have updated the FW again with the MK3 USB cable. Same result.

in a three phase system to update MP2 fimrware, you have to use fimrware flashtool and VE.configure and not VRM.

There is a fw update section in the vrm. The config files are also downloaded and meged usin ve configure and then uploaded again.

There is an old post regading this. Maybe someone @ Victron could comment?