Multiplus and Neutral connection?

It seems that one Multiplus can be used on two-phase system without neutral connection.
Have found an archived post from an user telling it is working ok for him:

The Multiplus manual tells not to do that, but don’t tell why!

Can someone explain what are the possible problems of using two phases instead of Phase-Neutral feeding the Multiplus?

Mark Jordan

The inverter uses a ground neutral bond. You read the thread this gets disabled.
Everything in its design is with a neutral reference in mind.
Just look in any manual at a block diagram.

They can run a delta load (no neutral)
But not connect safely to a delta connection.
Contact your local dealer or one in a country with a grid connection type you are looking at.

Here is Brazil. My city energy grid has three phase in Y, 127V/220V with Neutral wire. My loads are wired all in 220V, two phases without neutral.

I have read the Multiplus manual and other docs available. Saw the videos including the vídeo explaining how the inverter works. Didn’t found any explanation about running without neutral. The inverter circuit is isolated from the mains and the output is done via a transformer.

The inverter doesn’t know neutral is neutral, it is just a reference voltage and phase. If I use L1 and L2 instead of L1 and N, the only thing that will be different is the voltage between ground and N. The ground relay could be left open all the time in that case.

Have contacted two local distributors and they know nothing about operation without neutral. They just told me to ask here!