MPPT Error 40- fixable?

I have recently had an MPPT Error 40 from the SmartSolar MPPT 250/70 -Tr solar charge controller built in to my EasySolar II GX 48/3000/35-32.

I think I know the set of conditions that caused it and am on my way to fixing them so it will not happen again.

But is the SmartSolar MPPT 250/70 -Tr now just scrap? Or can it be fixed by the local distributor? AEP Pacific who trade as

They don’t usually get fixed if it is product fault. They get replaced. More often than not the FETs take a hit. And repair is not as reliable as replace.

But installation errors are not covered by the warranty.

If the cause of the failure was a wrong installation then the MPPT won’t be repaired or replaced, you have to buy a new one.

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