Dear All,
I have a self (re)built Lion NMC 3S2P with ca. 70Ah Battery-pack, which voltages level ranges between 3x3,2 V= 9,6 V Min up to 3x 4,0V = 12,0V max. to prolong service life.
I use for this project a DALY Smart BMS 100A rating (I do use it only up to 50A max current draw), which seems to be Okay. I do have no issues so far.
My problem:
I do own a MPPT 100/30 SmartSolar, which works well with ´high´ voltage Solar Panels like, 60Cell or more, BUT, if I connect it to the so called ´12 Volt´ or ´24Volt´ Panels than comes in the Problem:
If I leave the Battery charge current ´unlimited´,
→ than the MPPT starts going in BULK, as soon the panel voltage is about +5V battery voltage…
→ Than the MPPT find its Maximum powerpoint (MPP),… BUT
→ Than often the PV Panel Voltage drops thus far, that the MPPT changes to the ´Off´-mode, as (I believe) the panel voltage drops to ca. the battery voltage, and sure, that won´t work…
I have observed the behaviour of the MPPT since a long time and I am doing experiments all the time, but I believe the MPPT Tracking algorithm should maybe be improved to avoid situations I do have? Or do I really still overlook something? Or is this technically not possible to modify the algorithm (by Victron) in a way to avoid my issue??
Depending on the wether conditions, I am able to set a current limit in between 2A and 7A for a certain small panel I do have (Voc ca. 20V), and than the MPPT runs without problem, as the panel voltage doesn´t drop too much. but like during sunset, the MPPT is again trying to find its MPP and continuously changes its charge state from BULK to OFF and vice-versa and like this I am not able to efficiently charge my 11V nominal battery.
As I wrote, If have tested this now with several (4) panels and it only happens with my 2 smaller panels (about 20 Voc). I also eliminated a problem with the connectors/ plugs by cutting them off and the use of other cables. By measuring with the multimeter also everything looked fine.
I believe, the MPPT algoritmth should use the Battery charge voltage (absorption and float) set by the user and therefore should adapt the charge algorithm to go no NEVER underneath the battery voltage +1V for the Panel circuit while searching for the MPP in case the MPPT is being able to generate power staying above these voltage setting/ limit, which it usually is.
Does someone exactly know how the charge algorithm of these MPPTs works? As I strongly believe the MPPT is not taking the battery charge voltage setting into account while searching for the maximum power point and thus trying to push the Amps pumped into the battery while ´forgetting´ about the ´allowed and possible´ charging voltages. What do you think about my hypothesis?
attached a video for better understanding: