MPPT 150/45 high voltage error

On my shed there are 12 Gintech 260MB6A panels of 260 Wp. Output voltage of these panels is 32.38V (at 8 Amp). I connected these panels to an MPPT; mounting: 4 panels in series (4x33V = 132V) and 3 of such sets in parallel (3x 8 A = 24A). Solar Charger used: Victron MPPT 150/45 rev3. Firmware v 1.64

In the summer I occasionally had an Error code #33 for a few seconds: ‘Input voltage too high’. But now, in the middle of winter, I also have that error message with a certain regularity. And the duration of the errors seem to grow.

The solar charger is connected to 48V batteries.
Does anyone have an idea what could be the cause?

In winter, you can easily add 20% yield voltage due to the low temperatures. Your Mppt is running at the limit of the input voltage. It is best to change your wiring to 3 panels in series

Thank you. And that would be OK for the summer too?

In summer, the internal resistance increases due to the higher temperature … the PV voltage drops … but you have more sun throughout the day and not such strong peaks

Many thanks

I suggest using the Victron MPPT Calculator to make sure you are within the parameters of this charge controller. You can enter your location and module specifications here and it will tell you which MPPT to use. It will also give you a graph of the solar yield for each month of the year.