As per the pic. The charge rate starts at low 60’s and rapidly falls to mid 30’s
Batts are 500ah and charge from DC at 200A just fine without going over 54v
Cabling is 0/2
Voltage all read low 52/53 ish against 55.5 target
No DC current limit
AC current limit 20A
No BMS integration
Weak AC disabled. UPS disabled.
Batt profile - Lithium
Ambient temps about 10C-15C
System has VE.Bus to Cerbo and BMV712
As is so often the case, the problem will probably be determining the SOC of the multis or BMVs . The 88% Soc will only be a very rough estimate. Your batteries do not have their own BMS ? what can you see ?
Maybe Charger is limited at 35Amps ? at Ve Configure … “Charger”
2 x Winston 16S, 500AH total.
2 x REC BMS with CAN not connected. Standalone
I have tried with every combination disabled. Weak AC, PowerAssist, Dynamic Current Limiter.
Charge Current is set to max 70A
AC In to 20A as per pic
Pack reliably charges at 200A DC from Solar & high power alternator