In changelog for v3.50~9 it is said that VM-3P75CT could be configured to measure heatpumps or EV-chargers.
Why only the new VM-3P75CT? I have a ET340 for my heatpump installed to record the data in VRM and make some node-red flows with it. For my EV-charger I have an EM24ethernet because it’s in the garage far away from my cerbo GX.
@mpvader Do you plan to make ET340 and EM24ethernet usable for heatpump or EV-charger, too?
…in the settings for each Energy Meter, regardless of make/model as long as it is enabled/listed in the GX, you should be able to set it to either role of evcharger or heatpump (besides the older ones, like grid, acload, pv-inverter) - when running 3.50beta.
Did you try that out with your EM340 and EM24?
Yes, I know the setting. I switched the heat pump’s ET340 from AC load to heat pump. A new entry is then created in the device list. Unfortunately, the ET340 is then neither visible in the VRM nor in the dashboard on the GX. I couldn’t try it out with the EM24ethernet for the wallbox because it isn’t fully installed yet.
I know of others, that at least were able to represent a non-victron evcharger that way.
…what happens, when you set the ET340 to role of “evcharger”?..only for a test of course.
Maybe the heatpump feature is not yet fully ready, being introduced in 3.50beta.
…so maybe a “bug report” is in order, regarding the use of the heatpump role ?
What happens when you start charging your EV…does the tile reflect the the Power/Energy values from the ET340?
…so, GUIv2 does the trick, at least partly, as it seems.
The “problem” with the heatpump in disguise of the evcharge and the GUI might be caused by the fact, that an evcharger somehow can/needs to be switched on in its settings.
At least the metering values are shown.
As the heatpump role is fairly new and not many users will experiment with it (as victron doesn’t produce them), it is very likely that this is a bug…you should report it to the team.
I was checking to see if Victron would have updated Modbus registers for the heat pump and EVCS meters, the AC loads addresses don’t work as soon as I switch the role of the meter.
Would be nice to know, if there is any time frame for this, or is it better to forget all these fancy “features” and keep continue creating my own Grafana dashboard for monitoring separate AC loads? Now “other AC loads” are monitored under “AC load MP 2x3000VA”