MaxChargePower is being ignored since Venus OS 3.5x

My Multiplus II GX does not care about settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/MaxChargePower anymore, verified with Venus OS 3.51 and 3.52.

I can set the value via MQTT and it’s also reported by GX back in MQTT Explorer as being set to e.g. 200W.

But the Multiplus will still charge with max power when I set Min SoC to 100%. And this is always the case, no matter if DESS is enabled or not.

The only way now to limit charge power is limiting the charge current via Settings/DVCC menu.

I have not verified that with MaxDischargePower yet - hope it still works as I’m using it sometimes to prevent discharge in DESS mode as a manual override when I don’t like the schedule.

I have the same behaviour.
I disabled DESS and I am unable to MAX charge my battery now when prices are low.
I set the max charge like this:

Charging only with 643W

Hm, interesting… I do not have that setting on my GUI2. (My MP2 and PV is 100% AC-coupled)

But there is MaxFeedInPower that I’ve never seen before. It can also be set via GUI

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