Limiting doesn't work

Hello. I have 3phase multiplus 2 setup. All AC load is connected to to AC1 out. Grid is connected to AC1in. I live in country with billing per-phase. I want to control the system with my external software. I basically need to meet these conditions:

  • respect grid setpoint: with top priority consume all configured power.
  • respect multiplus inverter power: with second priority up to X configured power should be generated by inverter.
  • if there is power deficit, take it from grid

Initially I though, that I just configure grid setpoint, and then I will just update inverter power limit and the system will do exactly what I have described. I had impression that it had worked like that in past. Unfortunately I found that it absolutely ignore “inverter power”. What it does: If I configure limit to 0 through nodered, inverter turns off. This is exactly the behaviour I want. When I configure -1, inverter limited is off. Perfect. The problem is when I configure 1000W, then inverter limited seems on, but Inverters are providing 100% performance. No value seems to have effect. 300W, 5000W, 1300W,… nothing. Basically the limiter never works.

Do anyone have idea why is my system in such a state and how to debug it?

Ok well I see answer in documentation of ESS assistant in mode 2. It should behave exactly as it does.