Inverter upgrade flashing lights definition

Hallo Matthijs - Quick question - I have just upgrade my 8KW Quattro to the 12KW Quattro, but on the display the following lights are on: Mains on, Bulk on, Inverter Flashing and Low Battery flashing. Everything seems to be ok. But have not seen this combination of lights?

Are they in phase or out of phase?

Hi they are out of phase – Inverter on – Low battery off – Low battery on – the inverter off

See attached video


Mains on Bulk on usually is bulk charging.
I am assuming you have updated the inverter and programmed the same way you did with the original inverter here. And it is an ESS system?

The inverter and low battery is usually a low battery alarm. It does not really have anything to do with the beta on the GX.

The low battery can be triggered by the ess dynamic cut off or low battery alarm on the inverter tab. (Depending on how else the system is programmed)

Is your system charging or discharging at this point?

Yes i have programmed it the same - I have been installing Victron systems for a couple of years. And I am confident about my knowledge of the Victron platform. It is a ESS system, with a Fronius PV inverter connected to AC-out 1. AC-out 2 - is controlled by programmable Relay. I use a Freedom Won Battery - I got about 40 Clients with Victron systems. They all have similar configurations. - I checked the Victron Toolkit - very helpful - But it came up that configuration does not exist. I also actively test the Beta versions - before I roll it out to my clients. (Some of my newest clients I have seen similar behaviour where the low battery alarm will flash. I have escalated that to Freedom Won - as we thought that it might be a BMS issue. But is was not. It was the Cerbo GX that lost connection with the battery -

The only real change in the configuration is that I don’t use the EM112 Grid meter as all my loads are now going through the inverter. So I set Inverter as grid meter

I am quite happy to share the site
Thanking you in advance

Johan_vd_Spoel_Power_Plant_c0619ab35da3_inst_ttyS4_Interfaces_Mk2_Tunnel (2).rvsc (6.7 KB)

And its not volt drop or a bit of DC ripple causing a bad reading?
I pulled this put of a beta thread, do you run beta on customer systems?

Was why i was asking if they are in phase or out.
The out of phase is usually the code to look up
In phase is usually a normal condition or state.
In your case it looks like two states.

Bulk charging and low battery warning it is not kne code. So on basic face value i would conclude the battery was low and needed topping up. I obviously don’t have a picture of the whole system and how it works etc.

What firmware is on the inverter itself?
Has it been programmed as per the guidelines from FW?

I think you will find you need to adjust your ess dynamic cut offs a bit.

As a further thought do you have DC PV in the system? If you do include the amount in the ess assistant for total pv

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