What does it mean, if one of Multiplus 2 inverters in 3 phase system (L1) is flashing “Low battery” LED? System is working normally, all inverters support loads. No alarms in Cerbo.
My system suffered with the same problem. However its probably anyhow possible to supply diffrent parameters to the ESS assistants inside the Multiplus. After FW update and reprogramming the ESS assistants including its parameters, the problem is away. See this thread.
Low battery flashing means “Undervoltage of battery”.
There may be issues with the DC Connection of that particular unit.
Did you use equal length cabling for all units? Maybe that unit is experiencing a too high voltage drop, compared to the others? Maybe just a connection went loose / bad?
There are no issues with cabling, everything is tight and usually working normal. I see this behavior sometimes, not regularly.
Please help. I still see “low battery” on L1 phase inverter at SOC about 40%. Tried everything, updated firmware to latest, etc. Voltages on DC bus are equal everywhere.
(dashboard 442946)