How to integrate a Battery Balancer into a Parallel circuit


I have a 24Volt Setup with two 12Volt (100Ah) LifePoi4 Batteries in a Parallel circuit.

Unfortunately I bought a 12V Heater (Autoterm/Planar Air2D) a while ago. Now I try to combine them… someone told me I can just connect the Heater directly to Battery A, which creates a 12 Volt circuit.

I am aware that this will lead to uneven charges, and hence will damage the batteries.

Question: Can I somehow connect the Victron Battery Balancer in a Parallel circuit, and will this mean the Batteries are constantly kept at a (kind of) same Voltage?

Any help/ideas/input is appreciated!

2 x 12v to make 24 is clearly a serial circuit, this is what balancers are made for.

Buy a second heater, switch both on/off with one dpst switch, connected to both batteries, either one on one or both heaters in series to 24v.

Victron balancer will not keep the batt balance as it starts to work only on full charge and at very low power and it will take ages to balance if it ever does, you better use a 24V to 12V converter of the appropriate Amp of your heater
Something like this 24V to 12V Voltage Converter, DC Converter 24V 12V 20A 240W with Fuse Waterproof, Step Down Converter for Golf Cart LED Light Motor Truck Vehicle Boat Solar System: Business, Industry & Science do the job