Battery Balancer

I have 4 Renogy AGM 200 ah batteries inbound. Series parallel for 24 volt 400 ah. Renogy suggests installing a battery balancer. Victron is the hardware I use. I need help wiring it correctly.

Did you take a look at the manual?
There are a few examples.

I did look at the diagrams. Still a bit confused bc I don’t use buss bars. 24 volt lead to the right red, O lead to the left black. And the common to one of the series links or do I place a jumper to the other series link also…………

You need ideally use two in your case.
One for each pair of 12v series in 24v.
The midpoint is the blue links you have there between each pair.

Doodle Drawing

A bus bar for equal charge and discharge is something you should consider in your setup so both battery pairs are equally used.

You could also do it this way but balancing will be slower and less ideal as balance between packs is an issue. (One pack will be at a higher soc during charge and discharge first).

Your ‘bus bar’ in your set up are the terminals where you have your load/charge takeoff. You have to create a midpoint on both sets of 24v.


Appreciate the help , thank you

One more question, what guage jumper going from common to common in between series set would you suggest if I just used one balancer?

It only balances with 1A. So for the balancer it is not huge.

Wiring unlimited 3.5. Battery bank midpoint


I have never set up like you have, I am a fan of using bus bars.
There are other posts about it.

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