Another Battery Balancer Question

Hi all, I am installing a new inverter system and battery balancer to an existing battery bank. The bank consists of 16 6v L16 batteries for 24v in a marine application. I would like a schematic for using the victron battery balancer and have not had any luck finding one for this setup. It seems to be very similar to a 12v 48v setup with 4 batteries. So to break it down I have 4 6v L16’s making 24v times 4 banks. would I wire this exactly as I would for a 48V setup?

Hello, i would say no : the battery balancer works by comparing 2 12v sources with a common point. Here what would be the result in your case which is a wrong configuration as one battery balancer does not compare anything and has just 12v between 2 pins only. I have read somewhere that 27.3V was triggering the battery balancer On. Below will be off. In such case, you would need a battery balancer 0-6-12 to ‘mime’ the 0-12-24 for 48V, but i doubt it exists. THIS DIAGRAM IS WRONG. Don’t use it. Just an example to explain.

I would take a Siemens Logo and programm one myself, with relais outputs and some 6v bulbs its easy to get a fast algorithm together.

Siemens 6ED1052-1MD00-0BA6 Logik Modul - Schwarz online kaufen | eBay for instance…

The unit is advertised as up to 18v per battery. So it does not support anything lower than 12v? seems kinda odd. So if thats true, could I tap into each bank at the 12v point to at least get some balancing?

I think the 0.7A balancing current of the victron balancer is a bit low for your >1000Ah bank.