Hello everyone. I’m new to this forum and vanlife in general. I’m submitting this draft of my first build project in hopes of help and critique. I live in France and I’m planning to live in this van all year round. Thanks ahead for your time.
From another beginner I could certainly understand the schematic, what programme did you use to design this and for the icons
I don’t know if you’re going to like the answer since it’s simple but tedious. I pulled the icons as JPEG from the website I’m planning to buy the gear from and I did it all in ms paint with vectors.
Thanks for the answer it works, I’m on a mac so I used an inbrowser option but the snippets have the backgrounds
Schematically it looks OK in terms of the wiring connections and the Victron products. If the battery BMS has low voltage protection, which it ought to then I am not sure that the Battery Protect adds any extra functionality.
I suggest you read the Victron book wiring unlimited, link below about fusing / wiring.
Your fusing is shown in the wrong locations, fusing is to protect the cabling and should always be close to the batterie, not the equipment or after the bus bar where you change from say a 100A cable to a 50A cable. You will need a fuse at the positive bus bar on the output wire from the Orion unless you use 100A rated wire for this connection. You will need a fuse on the bus bar outlet going to the Battery Protect.
For the breaker I would consider going well above 100A rating and using a high quality component like a Blue Sea M series switch rated for 300A.
I assume that the battery BMS will do all the standard protections against overcharge or undercharge, low temperature etc.