HDMI connection breaks the VE Can 2 port

I am trying to solve an interesting problem. As soon as I connect monitor to the CERBO v2 to the HDMI port, the communication with JK BMS on the VE.CAN 2 port stops working.

I tried other CERBO, the latest version of VENUS os, and the beta version, but it didn’t help. 3 different displays (2x USB powered, 1x regular PC monitor) and still the same problem. VE.CAN 2 communication freezes. The RX/TX packets stop increasing, show ERROR-ACTIVE nothing happend. Deactivation and reactivation in the VE.Can settings do not help either. The only thing that solves the problem is disconnecting the HDMI and disconnecting the CERBO power supply. Just a SW restart is not enough.

I swapped the settings and cables of VE.Can 1 and VE.Can 2. And the problem remained with VE.Can 2. The MPPT disappeared and the JK BMS continued to communicate.

If I leave the HDMI disconnected the system works fine.

Some ideas?

Many thanks for help.

Peculiar. Are these Victron GX Touch screens, other than the PC monitor? In general other monitors are not supported, even though some users have had success. Not to mention there are different standards for HDMI and the touch screens also send controls signals back over HDMI.

No, they are not original victron screens.

Yes, I am aware that there are many HDMI standards, but I really did not think that it should affect Can communication. In addition, when the LCD and touch work perfectly. I’m a little afraid now to buy a not very cheap screen from victron so I don’t have the same problem.

It would be perfect if someone could confirm that this combination works for them.

I also thought of simply using a raspberry and a display that I have at home and simply creating a remote pc/display.

Does your can have the ground connected?
Do you have the terminator in?
It is possibly interference from the HDMI some are noisy. Gx screens have ferrite cores you add to the cable.

Yes and yes. I use original BMS Can cable.

As I wrote, when I swapped can ports 1 and 2, the error remained on port 2.

You might need to disconnect the ground. Just use the H and L.
Did you change port speeds for the mppts?

Interesting idea. I will try. Thanks :+1:

Yes. MPPT use 250 and BMS 500 LV.

Can 1 is isolated can 2 i don’t think it is.

Yes. Thats true. Can 2 - not isolated.

I disconnected the GND and waited a few minutes to see if the communication would be OK. Well, no problem. Then I connected the LCD (USB and HDMI) I clicked on the Can 2 status the communication was already frozen. No error, just nothing happens, nothing moves. I unplug the LCD, unplug the cerbo power, plug the power back in and everything works again. Without LCD.

Any other ideas?

Have you tried powering the screen from another USB power source as opposed to the one on the Cerbo?

Yes, from wall adapter 5v and just to be shure from power bank. Still same problem. :frowning:

Anyone have any ideas? Without the screen, the system works perfectly…

Unless this result can be repeated with a Victron supported screen, you probably have run out of options.

To me this sounds like a wiring/noise issue (as mentioned above), you could be pulling down/interfering with a power supply in the Cerbo when you plug in the HDMI cable, did you swap the HDMI cable? or try a good quality screened cable?

It could just me proximity of devices, did you try moving stuff a bit if you can?

Sorry i was away on a business trip.

I tried 3 different HDMI cables. Various lengths and qualities. With the same result every time. If it was some kind of interference or noise, wouldn’t it show up on dropped or error packets? The communication simply freezes and even disable and re-enable doesn’t help. The cerbo really needs to be disconnected from the power supply.

If it was some kind of interference or noise, wouldn’t it show up on dropped or error packets?

No not necessarily, from everything you are describing it sounds like noise/interference.

Ok can you try this please…
1 - Just plug in the HDMI Cable to the Cerbo with nothing attached, sill working?
2 - If still working attach a monitor (not powered with no power lead), still working?
3 - If still working plug in the power lead monitor first then the mains outlet (but not powered up yet), still working?
4 - If still working power the monitor up, still working?

Let me know how this goes.

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1 - Just plug in the HDMI Cable to the Cerbo with nothing attached, sill working? - 15min OK
2 - If still working attach a monitor (not powered with no power lead), still working? - error immediately after connection

So I took a fourth HDMI cable and my current PC monitor. and without powering the monitor, only connected HDMI to the cerbo and to the PC monitor, and immediately the communication froze.

wery interesting

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Ok so what that tells me is either
1 The monitors you are connecting are not compatible with Cerbo
2 The Cerbo is faulty.

All you can do now to prove this is to connect GX Touch Display

Please let me know what you decide to do.