GX Touch 50/70 Display for Cerbo GX - cable extension

Is it possible to extend the 6’ cable coming out of the display? The display cable is somewhat special in that it has a split HDMI and USB connection. Can I just plug in an HDMI cable extender into the HDMI cable and USB cable extender in to the USB connector and run them both to the Cerbo GX? I want to lengthen the distance between the display and Cerbo GX to about 15 feet. Thanks!

Please try and report here

We already had that topic here and in the old community.

Officially no.

But it is possible.
Extending HDMI is easy I already did that over 10 meters.
USB is the power supply and extending that will cause a voltage drop that can cause problems.
I use small PCB with a 12V and a USB output for that.
e.g. DEBO DC 2XUSB: Entwicklerboards - Spannungsregler 6...40 V DC auf 2x USB 5V - 3A, bei reichelt elektronik

+1 on that request. I want to put the cerbo gx in a travel trailer and mount the display in the middle of the trailer. Probably need to extend to 20 feet. I would happily mount a small usb power supply and use the Touch’s cable to power the display.
Does anyone know what HDMI extenders work? Please share! I am surprised that Victron doesn’t get this request more often!

Why don’t you take a pad connected direct over wireless ?

Matthias already answered this. I will add that the Touch 70 is far more sensitive to HDMI extension cables, while the Touch 50 generally has no issues. Like Matthias, we’ve extended HDMI cables 10 meters without issue when using the Touch 50. We also use USB extension cables without issue. Both cables should be high quality and use “large” conductors to reduce voltage drop. Don’t buy thin cables because that means very thin conductors.

Hi everyone,

I just installed a 5m extension between my Cerbo GX and the GX touch 50. It works without any problems, picture as well as touch functionality are flawless.

I ordered some random stuff at Amazon, not the most basic ones but sure not high-end either (17€ for the HDMI extension and 12€ for the USB.)

Hope that helps and best regards, Jochen

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We have used extensions to 10meters.

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