So sad threads from the old community haven’t been copied. Even worse new accounts are required.
Ok, ontopic: Several graphs in my VRM show massive data gaps. In the exported files the data is missing as well. Just have a look at the BMV-712 graph:
We had a quick look at the debugging data since this did indeed seem unusual, and concluded it looks like it’s a combination of three separate things:
Your “starter battery” has quite bad Bluetooth signal; about ~40dB worse compared to your other BLE devices. It looks like the GlobalLink can’t always receive the measurements from it and that’s why the data is showing gaps.
Try moving the GlobalLink and/or the battery if possible and making sure there are no obstructions between them that might affect the Bluetooth signal.
The temperature data attribute is not send every 15 minutes. Only a subset of all available data attributes are send every 15 minutes by the GlobalLink, and the battery temperature of the BMV-712 is not one of them. That is why the temperature of your “leisure battery” is showing gaps.
The “DC/DC charger” is actually within range of the and the signal strength looks fine. However, it looks like the GlobalLink is unable to decrypt the data coming from it; perhaps you performed a factory reset on it or changed the Bluetooth PIN code which caused the encryption key used for Instant Readout to change. That is why the data from your Orion XS is not showing.
To reconnect the Orion XS to the GlobalLink you’ll need to connect using VictronConnect to first the Orion XS and then the GlobalLink so that VictronConnect can transfer the new encryption keys and the GlobalLink should once again be able to decrypt the instant readout data coming from your Orion XS.