Globallink loses connection often, then reconnects

I am in Southern California. The installations of the solar system is in an enclosed trailer, which doesn’t move that often. We are using the Globallink to monitor the system while it stays in the storage yard.

When connected the RSSI signal varies between 60 to 70 db.

There doesn’t seem to be a pattern to the disconnecting of the device either, it just seems random in nature. It will typically reconnect in 15 to 130 minutes after disconnecting.

Is this normal or should I have the unit replaced?

I have the same issue in Australia. Disconnects 1 - 5 times a say for 1 hour to 3 hours. Good signal 60-70DB.
Seems to do it more when it is warm. I have tried 4 units so far with the same result. All HQ2313 serial number. No resultion to the problem yet. Warranty replacements are all from the same batch with the same issue.

I think I have solved the problem. I plugged a VE Cable into my smart shunt and the Globallink and it has stayed connected for 1 week without the usual disconnection. Also, instead of two flashing yellow light on the Globallink, I have a flashing Green then Yellow light. Hope this helps

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Good to know. I had exactly the same issue with Smartshunt connection to a Globallink 520 and fixed it in the same way.

Started by using a dongle and then changed to a VE direct cable

The Smartshunt Bluetooth range seems very limited!

I am pleased that this has fixed the issue. I am still testing the globallink. Now with VE Direct to the shunt and DCDC, and Bluetooth to the solar regulator and ruuvi tag. My results on the graph are over a week, with regular disconnections, which continue despite being connected via VE direct. This has happened with 4 units in a row, all with teh same manufacture date. I think I have encountered a bad batch as my customers are having similar issues.

Nevermind…its now disconnecting for hours again. This is frustrating.

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I have tested 6 units - all with the same issues. What batch is your made in? Mine have all been HQ2313. I am going to submit yet another warranty claim on this. I have clients with the same issues. Does anyone know of a Globallink that uploads consistently?
This is three days… Red is signal. Blue is Ruuvi tag and White is Smartshunt connected via VE Direct.