Generator start stop not working

My generator start stop in quite hours is not working.
I want the generator to start (gx relay to close) in quiet hours start time if batteries are below 60%soc, and to stop when batteries go over 60%soc or stop at the given stop time.
But when the start time is reached, nothing happens.

I can however manually start and stop the generator.
Why is the quiet hours timer not responding to my settings?

Please take a look at my screen shots of my configuration for the generator and let me know where ive gone wrong.

Can anyone help please?

@Nickdb, did you send me a reply answer to this question? As i cant seem to find it

Im finding it confusing what it means "start value during quiet hours, and “start when battery soc is lower than” also the stop values.

If the soc is lower than my quiet hours start value, should the generator start on the schedule, or will it only start when the soc is exactly at the start value?

I cant seem to get it to automatically start on schedule , yet i can get it to start manually.

My system is configured as ess if that has anything to do with it.

I was generator to start at midnight and stop at 5am, but i only want generator to start if soc is below 60% and stop once soc reaches 60%

I have asked this question a few days ago with surprisingly no replies, and i really need an answer as why its not starting and stopping on quiet hours schedule. How should i set the parameters on my screen shot image?

On Venus OS under “Generator Sart and Stop” and then in “Settings” there is an option to activate the “Quiet Hours”. I’m using the New Version of Venus OS and it is a little different but I believe the option should be also on the old version.

Be patient. There are a LOT of topics being posted here every day and yours might not get the attention of someone with the required info immediately.

In case you didn’t RTFM:
The system has Normal hours and Quiet hours.
Quiet hours is a special setting where you can set (usually less strict) parameters for your genset to start.
Typically the quiet hours are set to night hours so the generator is less likely to start at night, in order to not disturb the neighbors’ sleep.

So, you can program the system to start your generator when SoC is (equal or lower to) for example 50% and shut down the generator when SoC is (equal or greater than) for example 80%.
This is a typical setting without Quiet Hours.

If you have Quiet Hours enabled (to prevent the generator from making a big noise during the night), you can set Quiet Hours from 22:00 to 6:00 (as an example).
Next you can set the Start condition during Quiet Hours to eg. 30% and the stop condition during Quiet Hours to eg. 50%.

This would mean that during the day (outside of the Quiet Hours I picked as from 22:00 to 6:00) the generator would start when SOC drops below 50% and stops when SOC is above 80%.
BUT, if the system time is in the Quiet Hours interval, the generator will only start if SOC drops below 30% and, during that timeframe, generator will stop when SOC hits 50%.

Setting SOC to start and SOC to stop to (roughly) the same value (eg. 60%) makes no sense because then the generator will start when SOC is 59% and stop again when SOC is 61%.