I do have a grid connection, and also will be getting a cheap rate tariff between 00:00 and 05:00 in January after my smart meter is installed. (Im in the UK)
I want to be completely off grid and only use battery power throughout the day, not ESS.
So I want to set the assistant to general flag- ignore AC input.
Obviously during the dark winter days when theres little solar charging, I want to use the grid to charge my batteries during the cheap ratetime only.
Is there a charging time option in the assistant, where I can set the ignore AC input to off and start charging my batteries only during cheap rate. then once charged to a preset %, the charging stops and ignore AC input becomes active again?
Can anyone explain the procedure in Assistant?
I do have node red, but its far too much of a learning curve, unless someone can teach me personally, as I just cant concentrate for long enough.
Ive never used chat gbt, but heard about it.
How would i ask chat gbt that i want to set a charging timer at a certain time while being on ac in ignore?
Im also wondering, if i do set up a node red flow chart, will this disable my current assistant settings, or work along side them?
If you have a GX with a relay, you could use the Gen Start/Stop function to set the times. Then wire that relay across to the Multi and use an Assistant to Ignore AC.
Funny enough i was thinking the same thing.
I have a cerbo gx and have generator start stop which can be timed , so how would i wire the gx relay to the mp2? Im thinking its using aux 1 on the mp2 then telling assistant to stop ignoring ac in if aux is getting a closed signal?
I just use a signal wire pair. There’s little A or V involved, so doesn’t have to be much. I can’t use NodeRed on an old CCGX and Multi can’t tell absolute time. So that’s what I do (for a different application).
Ok so ive connected the aux 1 on the inverter the relay 1 on the cerbo, and set added two more assistants to my current setup, but for some reason it doesn’t work do anything when i manually start the generator. I can hear the cerbo relay click when i manually start the generator but the multiplus still remains in ac in ignore mode.
Could it be that im creating a conflict with my soc assistants?
But the generator options dont allow for 2 soc postitions to switch the grid on. I want to turn the grid on without charging batteries, if soc falls below 20% and i also want to turn grid on if soc reaches 95% so my excess solar can go to the grid as i have a feed in tariff. This does work with the assistant, as i used it this way for many months. But in January im getting
a cheap rate 5 hour window from my enery supplier and i want to keep using my above configuration, but alo allow “grid on” regardless of soc during midnight and 5am, and set the ess configuration to charging mode during that time slot.
Otherwise i want to be off grid in ess mode as if there is a power cut.
Can the assistant do this, as so far it either does one or the other but not both .
When the gx relay is closed {generator start}, (signalling the aux1/t sense so closing it) primary relay is open. That way it is not connected to grid while the “generator is running”.
When the gx relay is open (generator stopped) the primary relay closes and connects to grid.
I have tried using generator start in a quiet hours timer to switch aux1 and to stop ignoring ac in, but for some reason it dose not turn the generator on. On the display is still says “stopped” during the times it should be automatically running. If i turn the generator on manually, it does work, as i can see that grid power is present again in the red box on the display. But it just doesn’t seem to start automatically.
I have the mp2 set up with ess in the assistant. I need the ess in order to feed in excess solar once batteries are full, to keep my generation meter ticking, so i set the assistant to stop ignoring ac in after soc reaches 95%
So is generator automatic switching not available when the system is set up as ess? Or am i doing something wrong with the generator settings?
I have just tried the system by setting generator start on ac loads, i set it to start at a 2000w load and stop at 1000w, and this did actually work , the grid kicked in when i went over 2000w ( while in ess mode)
But for some reason after the generator stopped, it continued to run from grid power only, not from battery, and the inverter symbol had external control on it.
Also could it be that auto times start during quiet hours didn’t work because i tested it by setting a non quiet hours time? What determines the quiet hours, is it after midnight or before? I cant find a time window that determines quiet hours.
So i think i have sussed out how to set up quiet hours window, so after setting up the quiet hours start and stop time (i was thinking this was generator start stop but realized its only quiet hours times) so now the only option fpr the generator to start during quiet hours is by soc.
How do i set up the starting trigger in quiet hours? I want generator to start (stop ac in ignore) when soc is anywhere between 0% and 45% and then switch generator off at 50%soc
But im now confused regarding the "start value during quiet hours " is this also a “start if lower than” value? Or will it only start at the exact value i enter? So if the soc is already below or above the entered value the generator wont start?
Ive set mine to 45% hoping it would start in the quiet hours at any soc below 45%, will this work as i havnt tried it yet?
I tried the above just now by setting the quiet hours start stop to only a few minutes ago, and it did indeed turn the generator relay on and stopped ignoring ac in, but i expected it to go back to ess mode, but instead it stopped inverting and passed the grid through directly to loads. With this behaviour im guessing that ess wont charge batteries during quiet hours if i set the ess charging to the same time as i set the quiet hours? Is there another way to time the battery charging via generator on during quiet hours while keeping the system as ess?
I only need ess to feed in and keep my generation meter running at 100% soc so i get FIT payment, outside of this, i want to be completely off grid.