Feed in problem

Hey everyone, I’m having an issue with my charge controllers. When the grid is available, the charging power goes up to 10kW but then gradually drops to zero. It’s not feeding in, even though the ESS feed-in for DC-coupled systems is enabled and the batteries aren’t full. I’ve tried all the ESS modes—Keep Batteries Charged, Optimized with Battery Life, and Optimized (without Battery Life)And still the same.

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Please show DVCC status and voltage, charging voltage of the multi from Ve Configure and the Mppt voltages

Pylontech batteries and when i took the screenshot of the 0w production the battery voltage was 49v

If you take another photo of VRM, please do so ‘with details’ … then we will also have the Voltages …

A few questions …
You have Pylontech and DVCC off ? should be on … first to 51.5V

And the setting from Ve-Configure ‘Charger’