Victron and grid

I have a MultiPlus-II 48/5000 with ESS and a charge controller. When the grid is available, the charge controller turns off, and the system starts using the gird. Can someone help me configure the system so that it prioritizes solar power and uses the grid only for any additional demand what ever the battery % in the day?

Are you sure ESS is configured correctly?

Yes i have tried all the ess i don’t want the grid to be used related to the battery percentage i need it related to the pv power if its not sufficient

then please show your ESS summary from VE Configure and the ESS settings from the console …

and where is your system located … at this mains voltage and frequency?

what batteries do you use and do you have a reasonable communication with him.
It may be that the discharge is blocked … you can see this in the details of the battery in the console …

i have 3 pylontech batteries please find attached the ess pics and the batteries wasn’t blocked from charging and discharging

first view … 300Ah Capacity ? 3x Pylontech … what kind of Pylontech … 3000/5000?
close to 56V Chaging Voltage … is this just a “Pylontech BMS” on a 16S System ?
Are the Pylontech BMS in your System set as “Battery monitor” ?
DVCC MenĂź ?
Mode ist “keep batterie charged” ! … so your batterys are keeping charged … change the mode to “without Batterielife” and take a SOC with 30% for testing first …

Hello, I have a similar situation to Tabet Charbel. The setup is identical, with the same 3 Pylontech 5000 batteries, and there is a need to constantly keep the batteries charged due to a very unstable grid. In “keep battery charged” mode, power priority is given to the grid until you change the mode to another one and back - only then does it start mixing in solar power. BUT the next day everything repeats! If you change the mode to “without Batterylife” and set SOC to 100%, the battery discharges to 99% at night, and in the morning it starts charging with low current from solar WITHOUT mixing with the load, and solar power is not added to the load until the battery is charged, which takes until 11-12 noon.

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yes, us5000 and the battery monitoring is the bms is i put the without batterie life then the grid does not be used until the battery reach the percentage needed i need Solar then grid then battery

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With the high charging voltage, your Pylontch batteries should have issued an “overvoltage warning” long ago. Show your DVCC setting from the console

This is the typical ‘3% swing’ in the charging cycle
In theory, it would even go down to 97% before charging again.
However, this constant ‘charging to 100%’ is not so practical. It would be better to reduce the DVCC charging voltage to a healthy SOC value of 92-95% …

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Thank you for your response. Excuse the newbie question, should I lower both parameters - Absorption voltage and Float voltage?

Take the time to look through it properly

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I followed all the recommendations in this manual and ended up with the situation described above. Unfortunately for me, this is something I’m having difficulty understanding, and local installers don’t work with Victron at all. I would be grateful for any advice.

Which settings are you still missing … and where exactly …

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The situation in my case is as follows:

Hello, I have a similar situation to Tabet Charbel. The setup is identical, with the same 3 Pylontech 5000 batteries, and there is a need to constantly keep the batteries charged due to a very unstable grid. In “keep battery charged” mode, power priority is given to the grid until you change the mode to another one and back - only then does it start mixing in solar power. BUT the next day everything repeats! If you change the mode to “without Batterylife” and set SOC to 100%, the battery discharges to 99% at night, and in the morning it starts charging with low current from solar WITHOUT mixing with the load, and solar power is not added to the load until the battery is charged, which takes until 11-12 noon.

You recommended lowering the voltage in DVCC to SOC level of 92-95%.
Should I lower both values - “Absorption voltage” and “Float voltage”? Or did I misunderstand you?

The voltage would then be 50.5 V via DVCC Menue in the Remote Console for 90% of the pylon techs - everything else is just guesswork …

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