I’ve been loving the new GUI for the most part, but there’s a couple changes that I think would be big improvements:
AC Voltage - This isn’t visible anywhere. I’d expect to see it on the Overview page on the AC input blocks, or at a minimum on the detail page when tapping either the AC input block or the Inverter block. This is vital information for anyone hooking up to potentially unreliable grids, like in an RV park.
Battery Percentage/Levels on the Brief page - When there are only a few level sensors available the battery percentage is shown in the center as a number. Once there are more than a couple that number goes away and you just get 4 rings. It would be great if we could have those 4 rings as tank levels and still get the battery percentage displayed in the middle of them. I (like just about everyone in an RV) have 3 water tanks and propane level to keep an eye on. Having those 4 tank levels visible on the brief page at the same time, while not giving up the ability to see the battery % would be quite helpful.
AC Frequency (especialy in off-grid with PV on output where PV-output is reduced with increased frequency by PV-assistant)
Option to select both Power (Watt) AND Current (Ampere) displayed. I notice in parallel system that Power is indicated correctly (sum of 2 parallel quattros) but Current displayed is 2 x master current (but this is not always equal for both quattros, depending on small cable differences etc…so Slave current on AC IN can be lower or higher than on Master, which is rather inconvenient to set a current limit for shore power connection on a boat)
For these reasons, I stay on 3.42 with GuiMods.
These views are needed. Remote console brief display shows Generator (input 1) but not Shore Power (input 2). Generator and Shore Power are both presented on the Remote Console Overview and the VRM Dashboard.
This is a double click on the inverter tile. No grid meter.
Note: AC in is connected to the inverter, but the inverter is set to invert only.
Perhaps this is an issue when there is more than one inverter in the system, such as a parallel or ani-phase pair. I’ve found that a Mk3 will give inaccurate data when used with a parallel pair (Mk3 frames give current from a single inverter rather than the sum of both)