Can someone explain how VRM instance numbers work, or point me at the relevant document?
My system gained two instances of the VE.Bus device last night (288 and 289) and there is only one device in the system really (an MPII). Some searching found that the name for that grey number in square brakcets is ‘VRM instance number’, and that led to some relevant posts on the old forum:
I’m fairly sure my issue is covered in that 116226 thread (my Pi GX was powered on AC-out when an update of the ESS assisstant caused the multiplusII to reset and power down, and this seems to cause that VE.Bus-MK3-conected device to get a new number).
My question is how exactly does this work and what are the implications? I understand that the logged data on VRM is associated with the instance number, so presumably today’s data is coming from ‘289’, and all previous data is associated with ‘288’. Is there a way to concatenate them?
Is the VRM instance number generated by venus OS or VRM? Where is the association stored? On VRM, or in VenusOS, or both?
Why does a new one get generated for a device with the same serial number? Is there a plan to try and stop this happening in future? If coding on the open parts of the system can fix this I’m happy to help, as it affects me until/unless I upgrade to a non-USB Ve.bus connection.
What else is the instance number used for - it presumably exists to deal with multiple instances of the same device being in one installation?
Does it need to match between devices (e.g. my MPPT device is now 289 as well as the ‘new’ MPII instance). Is that just because it was a device added after the MPII (originally 288) so it got the next number (289), or has it been changed to 289 to match the 289 of the ‘new’ MPII instance? I think this is just co-incidence and doesn’t matter (i.e MPPT is just numbered 289), BICBW.
The 12679 thread notes that there is now a settings item to change the instance number. However in my settings only my MPPT device appears. neither of the VE.Bus MPII instances appear. Does that make sense?
116226 explains that this used to happen for VE.Direct devices but no longer does (and that seems to be true, my VE.Serial MPPT has not changed its number (or at least there is only one showing).
But clearly it can still happen for VE.Bus devices, probably only when connected over USB, not directly to real GX devices. Is that right?
Has anyone worked out exactly what the issue is in terms of changing USB interfaces?
Is there a way to see which data is associated with which instance number (then I could tell exactly when the new one was created).
And is my best course of action to try the ‘keep resetting your PI and deleting the ‘new’ instance in VRM until you manage to get the system to understand that there is only one device’ process (and will doing that lose me all the data associated with the new instance number), or is there a better way to a) persuade the system that there is only one device and b) not lose history if possible (but it’s quite a new install so this wouldn’t be the end of the world).
Or is the easiest thing to just delete the old one, (which I think means losing data from 22nd to 28th Dec)?
I found the diagnostics page for my installation which shows the first messages from VE.Bus device 289 messages appeared at 4:08 this morning, which is when I was changing the settings.
Thanks for any pointers you can give and apologies if this is all explained in the docs somewhere. I did search and the only instance I found was in
Also why do numbers start with 288? I have
Gateway: 0
Original MPII: 288
‘new’ MPII: 289
MPPT: 289
Battery: 512
Is there any significance to these numbers?