EV Charging Station hangs after firmware update

I was just about to update the neighbor’s EV station. Unfortunately, the display and the box hangs after the update. The box is not accessible via Bluetooth or the web. Restarting does not help either. Any ideas to solve the problem?

Delete the Bluetooth pairing, and then you should be able to connect again.
The firmware needs to update 2 components - the main board and the screen. In your case, the main board was updated, but the screen was not.And because of this those 2 can’t communicate between them. If you look on the bottom side of the screen, you can see both fw versions, should be v2.0/5.2, (2.0 is the main board, 5.2 is the screen, but in your case is 4.4)
Connect to the webpage of the device, push the firmware again, and wait until the process finishes. You should see the progress update on the screen.

Thank you for your response. I had reset the system via AP-Point-Mode and now it runs. Thank you!

yes, at system reset also will try to push the screen firmware again
Did you manage to connect to BT?

Unfortunately is bluetooth state off in this hanging state. I think bluetooth off in this state is a evil firmware bug. All other settings are also lost. You must connect to wifi AP with your smartphone and the initial address Then you can activate BT and connect to your house wifi. On PC we transfer twice the firmware manually and then it runs without errors.

Thank you for response!

Did you reset it to factory defaults? That’s the only way to have settings lost and Bluetooth off.
I don’s think that is a bug, it was never reported and there are thousands of updated units.
And turning Bluetooth off after factory defaults is for security reasons, since the default password is “000000”.

No. I have reset nothing. The firmware update makes this.

No, it doesn’t, as I said above, there are lots of updated units and no similar report.
So we have to understand what happened in your case. But the behavior is the same as the reset to defaults.

Ok, i have no idea. It’s the charger from my neighbor. I don’t want to follow up on that. Please excuse me.