Ekrano does not display power correctly


I have 3 multiplus 2 in 3-phase config, 1200 ah 48VDC battery, generator and now a water turbine.
I control the water turbine with frequency shift, and it works fine.

The issue is that in the display of the Ekrano it does not show a negative value of the input power, it show only 0 in the general information display, but in the multiplus details screen it show the correct data.

Does anyone have any ide about this?

That’s normal, you have to add an energy meter to measure the energy coming from the water turbine.

I dont understand fully.

The multipluss is Already measuring the power correctly, it is more an visualization issue?

Den fre 20 sep. 2024 06:02Matthias Lange - DE via Victron Community <notifications@victron.discoursemail.com> skrev: