In my Fiat Ducato I installed a Multiplus, a Smart Battery and the Smart BMS 12/200. Works well, the only problem is that the alternator is charging the Smart Battery only with 10 to 20A. Therefore I bought the new Orion XS DC-DC-converter. Is it possible to connect the Orion to the alternator-side of the Smart BMS 12/200? Or is it better when I connect the Orion directly to the Smart Battery?
You could connect it directly to the battery, but then the ATC (allow to charge) contact on the BMS would need to connect to the remote port on the Orion to stop it charging if there was a problem. The manual shows an MPPT in this configuration.
Ok, but it would be easier in my setting to connect the Orion to the alternator-port of the Smart BMS. Does that work as well?
I do not know if anyone has done this. You would need to make the fuse larger than the Orion and set the Orion to maybe 14.4V rather than 14.2V to compensate for the extra resistance of the BMS, you would need trial and error here. If the BMS stops charging the Orion output will be stopped but it might spike in voltage for a second or two. It should work
Ok thanks. The Orion is charging with a maximum of 50A, so a 60A fuse should be fine, is that right?
Yes, that should be OK.
Thank you!