Config mistake? Two ESS Numbers on one single MP2 with one single Battery?


i guess this will be a rookie questions, as i just installed my system yesterday.
I have one single MP2 with one battery in a simple 1-phase installation connected on AC-in. There are a RasPi based VenusOS and an EM24 installed, too.

But I’m wondering why the VRM portal and also the Venus-UI show ESS#1 and ESS#2 with potentially different states? See screenshots. Any idea by anyone? What will i have to do to get rid of this? Or is this normal?

Note: I also include a screenshot of the ESS settings I see (the min SOC on 50% is deliberate to keep the Battery charged now, when we don’t really have excess PV intake).

thanks in advance

OK. Got it.
So, these are battery status codes rather than identification numbers for different ESSs.
I knew it was a rookie question.
Many thanks for the quick response!