Cerbo Temperature Relay Won't Take Setting

I have two sets of heating pads and each set has a temperature probe for it. I can’t get the Cerbo GX to allow me to change the activation value to 40°F from the 39°F value it is set at now. I want the heating pads to turn on at 40°F and off at 50°F. Every time I try to change the activation value to 40°F it ignores.

When i first open the relay temperature settings there has been a warning at the bottom of the screen saying that the relay will be inactive because the activate and deactivate values are the same. What you see in the above screen is what I see when I first open it (after I clear the warning).

I wonder if the 39 / 40degF is a conversion and rounding issue from degC.

Things to try might be to go back to the classic gui to see if this is a new gui issue or try settings in degC.

No idrea if this will help.

Well thought the rounding issue…
He can try to set it to 41 deg.F to see if it’s a rounding issue…

I’ll give that a try. At first I thought that it didn’t like a narrow range, so I increased the deactivation value up to 52°F, which didn’t help.

I’m (sort of) happy to report that setting the activate value to 41°F instead of 40°F worked. Kind of goofy if you ask me, but it works.

I tried to change the Max AC Input Amps on my Quattro through the Cerbo GX/Touch 50 and it won’t let me change the value. I have the Quattro set to “Off”. I was able to do this to my prior system (Multiplus 12/3000 and Cerbo GX/Touch 50) so I don’t understand my the Quattro won’t let me do it. Maybe it’s the new GUI?

Version details for the Quattrol

Might only work when the Quattro is on.

Going to 41degF seems like a degC to degF rounding issue, the device works in C, F is for display.

Welcome to the modern world :grinning:

Oh, you did not go there did you? :grin:

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