Cerbo-S GX want Battery Temperature on VRM

Cerbo-S GX + Orion DC-DC +SmartSolar MPPT 100/50 + Smart Battery Sense + Smar Shunt…
Smart Sense Temp shows up on MPPT & Orion but of course not on VRM.
From my searches, Smart Sense can’t be logged on VRM.
Smart Shunt accessory input is starter battery…

So…what’s the easiest way to get my Lithium battery temp available & logable (chart) on VRM?
Ruuvi ? Smart Dongle? Suggestions
(Note, Cerbo-S GX has no temp inputs)


The ruuvi is the easiest.

This one requires that you have a ve bus inverter.

Personal preference, but I think the SBS is more suited to use on the start battery. Then grab a Temp probe for the SmartShunt.
The start batt/SBS won’t make it to VRM, so accessed via bluetooth. But no bt network needed for the rest of the system, just the Cerbo wires. The T from the shunt can be set as a system T, and show everywhere.

It looked easy just wasn’t sure Ruuvi made it to VRM?

I really like monitoring the starter on VRM…since the Orion & MPPT pickup the SBS, really disappointed Victron doesn’t pass it thru to VRM. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Yes the ruuvi appears on the VRM dashboard. And the widgets on phone from the VRM.


Yeah the smart network doesn’t work to pass through information like that. It is designed for systems without a GX.

If you use the temerature-Sensor for the Victron SmartShunt, it will appear on the VRM-Portal.
Of course you could use a Ruuvi-Tag, but the Battery-temperature with the SmartShunt is forwarded to the other Victron components and the loader will vary the loading. I think, this is the better option.

Best regards

hmmm…Ruuvi looks EZ but didn’t think about the pass thru to other components & it’s sensor is internal. May just add a 2nd shunt for the t temp. $$$ but accomplishes what I want. Plus I could add it to the chassis ground for measurements… Thanks.

And when I look at it again…I’m limited on VE Direct so I add a VE Direct to USB and another Shunt…might as well ditch the Cerbo-s and buy a Cerbo GX to do the same thing, seamlessly! thanks

You don‘t need to add another SmartShunt. The temperatur-Sensor and the powersupply for the Shunt are in one component. You could also use the Victron Bluetooth-Network to get the battery Temperatur to the other components.

FWIW, the Ruuvi has better resolution than the built-in sensor input :slight_smile: Also dead easy to install.

S/V Atsa

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