I have a Cerbo and solar and a wind generator installed.
At the wind generator I have a Victron shunt in DC meter mode installed.
Wind and solar input is shown accumulated at the solar area at the new Cerbo UI:
Can I change/customize the title currently “Solarertrag” into “Solar-/Windertrag”?
(Please don´t be confused by the DC negative shown. One of the MPPT´s seems to have lost the connection to the Cerbo, possibly a cable problem, please ignore…)
Recommendation for improvement: If DC meter mode is selected by a user in the Victron app at a shunt and type “Windgenerator” is selected, then change the title to “Windertrag”, if a MPPT also is found in the system then change title to “Solar-/Windertrag”.
@Victron: Recommendation for new Victron product: Atomic Small Modular Reactor (SMR) for marine use. But not too expensive please. Boat already is costing too much. Thanks.