Cerbo GX MK2 VE.Can2 unstable

Hey all together,

seems like the problem with the 3.5x firmware is not just with Pylontech batteries. It’s generally with the VE.Can2 interface of the MK2 Cerbo GX.
I have a BYD battery connected to the VE.CAN2 interface and it stops working sporadically. The VE.CAN1 is connected to a MPPT 450/200 and working fine there.
If I change the VE.CAN ports to BYD on 1 and MPPT on 2 the BYD keeps working but the MPPT is phasing out.

Does anyone else have a similar problem besides of Pylontech Batteries?
I have tested two different MK2. My Systems with a MK1 seem to work just fine.

The problem is not the device connected to the can 2 it is the can 2 signal being messed with. Fully discussed in the thread linked.

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Known issue. VenusOS 3.6 has the fix. It’s in beta right now, but as of 3.60~8 it fixed the issues for me. I just updated to 3.60~9 a few minutes ago. Give this a try!

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