seems like the problem with the 3.5x firmware is not just with Pylontech batteries. It’s generally with the VE.Can2 interface of the MK2 Cerbo GX.
I have a BYD battery connected to the VE.CAN2 interface and it stops working sporadically. The VE.CAN1 is connected to a MPPT 450/200 and working fine there.
If I change the VE.CAN ports to BYD on 1 and MPPT on 2 the BYD keeps working but the MPPT is phasing out.
Does anyone else have a similar problem besides of Pylontech Batteries?
I have tested two different MK2. My Systems with a MK1 seem to work just fine.
Known issue. VenusOS 3.6 has the fix. It’s in beta right now, but as of 3.60~8 it fixed the issues for me. I just updated to 3.60~9 a few minutes ago. Give this a try!