Can i parallel the GX Device

Hi All,
I confide you all are well. I have two multiplus 5KVA GX working in parallel and four Mppt. The mppt uses ve-direct, and I have connected it to the master inverter Gx. Is it possible to link the other GX device to the Master GX to use the other Ve-Direct port and the USB port? If not, what is the alternative to get all four MPPT connected to the GX’s?

Regards Brendon

Hi you cant, suprised to see you are running them already in parallel, or did you disconnect one GX internally already? 2 GX in one system is not possible or supported

Or are they not really parallel? (Not setup with an mk3)

If you need more VE direct ports, use a powered good quality usb hub and VE direct to usb cables

Many thanks, Marc. The other GX device is not connected, yes.I am using the one for the master inverter. What are the complications of running two multiplus GX in parallel Voids warranty?. Great, I will use USB hubs.

Technically it is possible to use multiple GX devices in one system for the purpose of adding more tank inputs, though there is also some limited VE.Direct functionality. You can read more about that here - 5. Connecting supported non-Victron products

As you say, in this case VE.Direct-USB cables and a USB hub is the recommended solution.

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Nothing warranty related, it just wont work, they will both try the same thing :blush:

Thank you