Can I access REC BMS data through registers using MODBUS or MQTT?S

I have tried finding information on how to access REC BMS data using registers but so far to no avail.Also checked the Excel file.

I want to read CAN bus information: e.g. highest cell voltae, lowest cell voltage etc.

Is it possible to read REC BMS information using MODBUS or MQTT for external usage?

Since you ask here I guess you have a victron system.
I don’t have a REC-BMS.
But: connect the REC via CAN to the GX-device.
Enable on the GX the mqtt-protocol. (hint: keepalive).
Now you can get the data from the gx.

some links:

Thanks Marc.

I should have stated that I am running the REC BMS on the Victron CERBO on the CAN bus with a Quattro

I want to use the REC BMS values in Homeassistant. I can most likely read the values from the REC BMS Wifi module using the REST Sensor (not yet tested) but as I am getting the other Victron values over MODBUS it would have been easier to read that values in the same way.

But I will go with the MQTT setup as per your proposal


Since you allready use Modbus:
DeviceInstance 512 could do the trick.
(I only use mqtt, so no idea if this is right)

I use the mqtt data → homeassistant and in homeassistant aditionally influxDB and Grafana.

Have fun.

Is the BMS broadcasting those values?
Are you see them on the Cerbo’s remote console pages?
If yes, for Modbus, those (mincellvoltage and maxcellvoltage) are 1290 and 1291 registers.
And the BMS is mapped as 225 as far as unit ID is concerned.

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