BSC IP65 12 25 no bulk charge

Hi wondering if a solution has been found, i read in the past owners of the BSC ip65 have had issues of no bulk charging, just straight to absorb charge no matter the voltage (ie from 11 volts). on Li-on battery (have attempted with 4 different battery that charge no issues on another brand of charger and on my victron solar chargers.

While i can disconnect the battery and reconnect it from the charger it shows the bulk charge for only seconds then straight to absorb at 0.0 amps. the charger has the latest firmware v3.25. this only recently started happening.

Any help would be appreciated

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Iā€™m having the same issue. The charger is basically unusable.

As way of update;
Lodged Support request from
Got quick response email advising to return to local dealer that the product was purchased from for testing as the product was still under warranty.
Returned product.
Technician did what i would say was no more then 1 minute of testing.
Issue replicated as reported on support request.
Sales person handed me a brand new product.
Now using replacement product with another warranty period.

Great service by all involved on Victrons end. Could not have asked for a more efficient and hassle free outcome. Great Company to deal with not only when purchasing but also when things go wrong.
Already have many Victron products in the family and have always promoted to friends.
This experience only has me wanting to promote the company more as they handled the entire process first class when an issue occurred.

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