Android head unit running Android 10 will not Connect to Smartshunt ?

I have a Vhedia head unit in my car , have downloaded connect app. It finds the Smartshunt no problem, but when i try and connect it seems to try and connect multiple times with the % meter sometimes going to 80% but then it goes into bluetooth error ??
I have connected to my Iphone and that works … But will not connect to the Android head unit ??

At 80% you should get the pop-up to enter the PIN code.
Do you get that? On some devices you get a notification in the notification bar and you have to pull that down.

No i don’t get any pin code pop up at all… I uninstalled the app and reinstalled , The first time i tried to connect it went to about 80% the first time… then restarted and now gets to about 20% . I have a video of the connection process that i took… that i have attached

I just reset the Pin Code … Uninstalles the connect app… reinstalled the app and trie to connect… Same thing won’t connect… The enter pin code does not come up at all ?
I then connected to the smartshunt with my Iphone … No problem connecting … It also never asked for a Pin code ??? But connected ??

Anymore thoughts on this issue I am having ?

Kind Regards,

Peter Acha | General Manager

The problem is the head unit don’t showing the PIN request.
No idea to resolve this.